Thursday 20 March 2014

Why are businesses using blogs as a digital marketing tactic and what are the benefits?

For my digital marketing proposal I suggested that Krispy Kreme should incorporate a blog into their current marketing initiatives in order to enhance their 'word of mouth' strategy (Krispy Kreme, 2013). Prior to my research, I was completely oblivious to how many competitors and large organisations in general were already taking full advantage of blogging!

Whilst hunting for existing business bloggers I came across Starbucks, Costa and KK's primary competitor, DUNKIN DONUTSDunkin Donuts serve up to 3 million customers a day worldwide (Dunkin Donuts, 2014), so the use of a blog comes as no surprise as it is an extremely effective way of creating a direct communication channel to reach consumers, regardless of their geographic location. Dunkin donuts sole purpose for their blog is to post promotions relative to seasons/key events, for example their most recent post is promoting St Patrick's Day by enticing consumers with 'Top O the mornin' to ya!' whilst offering 'Irish creme filled cupcakes'. See below guys. 

So now we have seen how one particular organisation benefits, how can businesses in general benefit from a blog as a digital marketing tactic and how are they a contributing factor to creating brand awareness? 

I stumbled across a fairly recent article by Sprout Content that presents '19 reasons why your business should start writing a blog'. I have picked 7 of the 19 which I believe is more than enough to convince any business to act upon it! The reasons are as follows:

1. 60% of businesses who blog acquire more customers. 
2. It gives businesses a voice. A blog creates a place to talk about new products/services, comment on current news topics and market trends and share company initiatives. 
3. A blog is the heart of all your content digital marketing efforts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email etc) 
4. A blog creates a 2 way conversation with customers. It encourages interaction, comments and feedback. 
5. Allows businesses to tell their brand story, by offering a greater insight into the company, ideas and employees. 
6. Blogs are cost-effective marketing investments. Every post that is published is a long term asset that helps build brand awareness.
7. Blogging Analytics! Businesses get to know their audience. 
                                                                                                        (Sprout Content, 2014) 

This article has confirmed my proposed marketing initiative and helped develop possible features for Krispy Kreme's blog as their are no obvious drawbacks and a HUGE amount of benefits! The implementation of a blog will certainly utilise Krispy Kreme’s core ‘word of mouth’ strategy as a blog will encourage discussion between consumers and industry professionals. Krispy Kreme has managed to create a distinct humbling brand image which a blog can support further as it states in point 5; allows for a brand story to be developed. 

If any of you readers think that a blog will benefit your business or even beginning to think it is a good way to express yourself take a look at the article by following the link in this post or see references below! 


Dunkin Donuts (2014) ‘Blog’. [Online] [Accessed: 20th March 2014]

Krispy Kreme Corporate (2013) ‘Company Profile’. [Online] [Accessed: 20th March 2014] 

Sprout Content (2014) ''19 reasons why your business should be writing a blog'. [Online] 

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