Wednesday 7 May 2014

How are organisations maximizing their blog views? KEYWORDS.

In previous postings I have mentioned the uses, benefits and approaches to blogging. But one of the main issues I have found when researching into blogs is how do organisations actually ensure that their blog is being read? And the answer to that is SEO, Search engine optimization.

SEO enables organisations to gain more traffic to their websites and in this case, blogs. Search engine providers such as Google, Yahoo and Bing provide a service where by they rank content in order of what they believe to be the most relevant to users according to Search Engine Land (2014). One of the main ways to achieve more traffic through SEO is Keywords. It is suggested by Enge et al that Keywords not only help to increase traffic but to predict shifts in demand, respond to changing market conditions and ensures that you are producing content that the user is seeking (2012). 

Lets use Google AdWords for example, Google's job is to connect a users search with the desired content. A website or blog that provides the same words as the search will have a higher chance of being presented to the user (Today Made, 2013). The Google AdWords tool provides a huge amount of data to users regarding the most popular search terms in specific industries.  

When creating possible blog content for my digital marketing campaign I incorporated Keywords into the postings in order to acquire more traffic for the organisation. I used the Google AdWords tool that allowed me to identify what Keywords would prove to be most successful. Here is an example of the Keyword searches I chose. 

Keywords can be divided into short tail and long tail words. Short tail are those in which just use 1 or 2 words such as Krispy Kreme, and long tail words are 3 words or more, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Short tail keywords are those that achieve high search volume which is what every business wants right? Well, according to Smart Traffic short tail searches are highly competitive, therefore more difficult to rank and connect with users (2010). Long tail searches are much less frequent resulting in low traffic volume for websites an blogs, however those users who use long tail searches are more inclined to buy (Smart Traffic, 2010).

The drawback to Keywords is that competitors will also be doing it! All organisations face the same problem, 'how do we increase traffic?' So if everybody is doing it, its going to significantly reduce the effectiveness of Keywords. Organisations should review competitor websites to see what Keywords they are using, it would be wise to concentrate on the non branded search terms! I've incorporated some Keywords into this blog posting, take a look at the bottom!

See the links in the text and below for your independent research! 


Enge, E, Spencer, S, Stricchiola, J, and Fishkin, R. (2012) The Art of SEO. 2nd edition. California: O'Reilly Media.

Search Engine Land (2014) 'What is SEO?'. [Online] [Accessed: 7th May 2014]

Smart Traffic (2010) 'Types of Keywords'. [Online] [Accesssed: 7th May 2014] 

Today Made (2013) 'A Practical Guide To Finding Great SEO Keywords using Google AdWords'. [Online] [Accessed: 7th May 2014] 

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